Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Dr Kiru

Irritable Bowel Syndrome Symptoms

Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a condition that many of us have heard of, but the diagnosis can be a little more subtle. Bloating, stomach cramps, rushing to the toilet. Sound familiar? The truth is IBS is a condition that is on a spectrum in terms of severity, but one that affects many people. You may have noticed symptoms being worse when the stress has been building up, an overload at work, having a tough time with your other half, or an exam around the corner. Let’s explore this a bit further.

IBS stands for irritable bowel syndrome, and the exact cause is unknown. Some have suggested problems with gut motility and hypersensitivity and the lower abdominal cramps are often associated with spasms of the gut. There have been clear links with stress as mentioned above and we often see symptoms flaring during such periods. One thing is for certain, the symptoms affect patient’s lives and can cause a lot of distress. Having to rush to the toilet, sitting in meetings with bloating and stomach cramps; it’s not pleasant. 

Let’s run through the symptoms below. You may have some of these or all of these;

  • Getting bloated easily.
  • Lower abdominal spasms, especially after meals.
  • The pain above is often relieved after going to the toilet.
  • Diarrhoea or constipation (can alternate).
  • Mucousy stools (sticky stools)

You should not have blood in the stools. This symptom requires further investigation, and you should consult with your doctor urgently.

One of the biggest forms of management for IBS can include stress reduction. Practising relaxing habits on a daily basis, and trying to reduce stress, can help significantly with the overall symptoms. Some have also found relief with peppermint tea, as well as healthy shots containing cayenne pepper and ginger. 

If you have no luck with the above, there is medication available to help the spasms and abdominal cramps, and you can consult your doctor for this.

Written by Dr Kiru.

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